Spartanburg County
Democratic Party Convention 2025
Every year, the Democratic Party in South Carolina reorganizes at the county party level. This is a leadership election year. Meaning that:
Elections are held for county leadership: Chair, 1st, 2nd, 3rd vice chairs, and representatives to the state executive committee – primary and alternate, male and female. Officers elected will serve a two-year term.
Learn about the duties and responsibilities of each of these positions.
New precinct officers are elected/re-elected.
Resolutions to be considered by the county party for its platform are presented and voted on. Resolutions can be presented by anyone, but a form detailing the resolution must be completed and returned by Feb. 22. Email your resolution to county chair, Kathryn Harvey at
Resolution Form Linked Here
140 delegates who can serve at the county and state conventions will be elected. (If you are interested in being a delegate to the state convention, please email the chair. You must be a registered voter to serve as a delegate.
This year’s convention will be held on March 22 from to 10 a.m. to noon. The convention will be held at the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church Center, 502 S Daniel Morgan Ave, Spartanburg, SC 29306.
Everyone can attend, but only delegates can vote on our county leadership. To be a delegate, sign up to attend the convention. Delegate selection will take place at the convention.
Complete this form if you are interested in being part of precinct leadership.
If you have questions, contact the precinct coordinator, David Petty at
You must be present to be elected to either precinct leadership or as a delegate. Delegates to the county convention may also become delegates to the state convention, scheduled for May 31.
If you are interested in running for Party leadership, complete this form no later than two days before the convention
This is a great opportunity to invite others to get to know their politically like-minded neighbors, grow grassroots engagement, and strengthen the local party organization. If you’re looking for ways to get involved, to make a difference, to lead change in our community, state, and nation, then step up now and participate in your precinct.